A revista italiana Biblioteche Oggi na sua edição de Abril de 2007 inclui 2 artigos sobre o empréstimo pago que devem ser muito interessantes.
Um da autoria de Luca Ferrieri da Biblioteca de Cologno Monzese (Itália) com o título Prestito a pagamento, atto secondo mas do qual apenas consegui o resumo, mas que parece dar uma boa panorâmica sobre a situação italiana. Se alguém arranjar o texto integral peço o favor de divulgarem.
Prestito a pagamento, atto secondo [Abstract]
"The article analyses the situation after the European sentence against Italy, Spain and other countries about the public lending right and this matter in compliance with the Italian law: what seems a defeat, for the Italian librarians, could turn out the beginning of a new phase of the conflict between two conceptions of intellectual property and intellectual freedom.
It depends on several elements: the opening of a procedure against Scandinavian countries too, accused of not accomplishing the Directive 92/100; the difficulties in managing the Italian law; the growing importance of the intellectual property’s sphere, which will affect many features of daily life. The article considers the global dimension of copyright and the impact on libraries of TRIPS and GATS agreements. The hypothesis is that the libraries have to be assumed and defended as ones of the mean institutions of “commons”, as the “copyleft’s homeland”. And the PLR introduction risks changing the loan in rent, the libraries in “blockbusters”, the open access world in a pirates reign. Are we entering a Second Enclosure Age?"
It depends on several elements: the opening of a procedure against Scandinavian countries too, accused of not accomplishing the Directive 92/100; the difficulties in managing the Italian law; the growing importance of the intellectual property’s sphere, which will affect many features of daily life. The article considers the global dimension of copyright and the impact on libraries of TRIPS and GATS agreements. The hypothesis is that the libraries have to be assumed and defended as ones of the mean institutions of “commons”, as the “copyleft’s homeland”. And the PLR introduction risks changing the loan in rent, the libraries in “blockbusters”, the open access world in a pirates reign. Are we entering a Second Enclosure Age?"
O outro artigo da autoria de Siv Wold-Karlsen uma jornalista sueca (?) com o título "Il diritto negato: Come i paesi scandinavi hanno affrontato la Direttiva europea sul prestito a pagamento e i problemi del copyright" apresenta a realidade dos países do norte da europa em matéria de direitos de autor, em que funciona um sistema de Public Lending Right, mas com características muito diferentes das imposições da União Europeia.
Ainda estou às voltas com o italiano mas será concerteza um bom contributo para o debate e a eflexão em torno deste assunto.
Ainda estou às voltas com o italiano mas será concerteza um bom contributo para o debate e a eflexão em torno deste assunto.
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