
IFLA Wanted: LIS students!

May we kindly ask you to distribute the following information to your international and national mailing list, blogs ... etc.


We strongly encourage LIS students from all over the world to apply for the “IFLA Library and Information Science (LIS) Student Paper Award 2010 ”

Coordinated by the IFLA Section Education and Training Standing Committee (SET SC), sponsored by "Service for Libraries - ekz" <http://www.ekz.de/>.

The target group is LIS students from all over the world, who are enrolled in a course of study for the “first professional qualification” (e.g. bachelor/graduate diploma/master) in the country of study. All IFLA Sections are requested to open their Call for Papers to students. Accepted student papers will be presented either in the relevant Section’s conference session or, if appropriate, in the SET Open Session.

The award for the first place winner of the IFLA LIS Student Paper Award 2010 includes: Current IFLA Congress registration fee plus grant for economy airfare and economical lodging, up to 2600 €, 1 year’s free IFLA membership, and publication of the paper in the IFLA Journal. Second and third place finalists will receive a certificate.

Please see more information at

2 comentários:

João Soares disse...

Feliz Ano Novo, Bruno.
João Soares, editor do blogue BioTerra

Bruno Duarte Eiras disse...

Boa noite João Soares
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