
Why do you blog?

Recebi ontem via e-mail um convite para contribuir para uma pequena investigação que vai tentar apurar quais as razões que nos levam a ter um blog.
Trata-se de um pequeno questionário com 16 perguntas cujas conclusões vão ser apresentadas no Northern Voice em Vancouver.

Deixo aqui o link como apelo à participação.

Why do you blog? Why do I blog? Why does anybody? As the medium enters its pubescence, it's a question that I wonder about all the time. I've talked about it with a lot of different bloggers, and everyone offers a different reason.

In February, I'm giving a talk called "Why We Blog" at Northern Voice here in Vancouver. In preparation, I'm launching this ad hoc survey to gather more opinions and voices from the blogosphere.

The survey is 16 questions, and hopefully won't take you more than 10 minutes. I really appreciate the time you might take to complete it.

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